Hi, I am Jordan Woods.

I am a photographer from Nashville, TN that specializes in portraits and weddings. I've been doing photography ever since my freshman year of high school, building my portfolio and getting better at my craft year by year. I started out doing mostly senior portraits and I have slowly made a movement toward weddings. I must say I believe one of my best ways of communicating is through my photos. Sometimes I can't even put something into words of how I want to take the photo so all I need is trust from my clients and we'll make some magic together.

Let's get this right... I LOVE each and every one of my clients. Everyone is so different in their own way and I think it shows when it's photographed. I'm sure everyone has heard the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words," and I believe that with every ounce of blood inside me; from our smile to the way we carry ourselves in day to day life, it's true, and I see it in all my sessions.

a little more about me...

Honestly I am just a big, goofy dork who likes to have fun. I'm 6'5 so you'll know if I'm in attendance by looking above everyone else. You will most likely catch me on the dance floor at any wedding I'm at, if you want to battle just let me know and I will gladly annihilate you.

this is my dog a.k.a. my "assistant"...

Me being 6'5 and all, it just seemed appropriate to get the biggest dog ever. This is Titan. He is a merle Great Dane and he is also what I consider my child. Though he may look a little intimidating at first, he is just as big and goofy as I am. He's definitely a people loving dog because he loves any attention that he can get and believe me, he gets a lot of it. He is my assistant because he tags along on sessions with me sometimes. I feel like at this point he may be able to start his own photography business. Titan has seriously been one of the best dogs I have ever owned.

If you are a dog owner, don't be afraid to let your dog tag along with you on any shoot you are doing. Bringing your dog with you makes the photoshoot even more of a party. Not to mention the fact that I'll give scratchies to any dog I see.

what made me start doing photography...

I started actually doing photography when I was a freshman in high school, though middle school is where it sparked for me. When I was in 8th grade, I was in yearbook but I was also on the football team. I would say that 50 percent of my year was spent in football practice and at my football games. Now everybody thinks that me being my size, I want to be on the football field for my whole life and that just isn't true. I have passions just like everyone else and photography was slowly becoming one of those things. After football season ended, I had so much more free time on my hands. I had just started going to Long Hollow Baptist church and before I knew it I was serving on the creative team, doing things that I had already known how to do but never had the chance to do it; this is what I would consider my temporary creative outlet. I knew I wasn't going to be doing this forever, but for an almost freshman in high school, I thought I was doing a good job of keeping myself busy.

Freshman year comes around and I'm surrounded by a lot more creatives, if you will (people who are into different forms of art.) So I'm beginning to get even more interested in photography and with this urge for me to get started, I was only really missing one major thing to start; a camera. I ended up getting a camera and I was just doing pictures for fun. I didn't have the newest and best camera out. Did I need the newest one? No. Could anyone tell what gear I was using? No. It didn't matter what I was using as long as I was comfortable with that gear, that's all that matters. We began going around and taking pictures of random things: abandoned houses, old vehicles, plants' etc.. I felt like I was doing a pretty good job for someone who had just gotten into photography.

Sophomore year passed and I was still doing the exact same thing I was doing before. I felt like I was slowly getting a niche for taking pictures of people. I have no idea why I started liking to do it but I just knew I was good at it. My junior year I joined yearbook staff just because I knew what was expected of me because of my experience in middle school. Who doesn't want the opportunity to do what they love doing in class, at school? Exactly. I joined and I was the only person with prior experience in photography. I got asked lots of questions while I was in there just because I knew how to work a camera and get the exact photo I'm looking to capture. We are going throughout the school year doing our assigned pages and getting pictures of everything we needed to have an exquisite looking yearbook.

then came the day...

I got asked to do someone's senior photos for the first time. WHAT?! I freaked out because someone was actually willing to pay me for something I had never gotten paid to do before. It was wild. I was filled with so many emotions I didn't know what to do. Needless to say, I did those pictures and I guess I killed them because here I am. After that day, I began getting back to back messages for sessions and I didn't know how to handle them. What do I say? What do I do? I do what I do best, capture those moments. Seniors are where I started; my photography has slowly made a move to weddings as my focus.

My first wedding...

was an absolute dream. It was a small, super intimate wedding and I don't think it could've been a better day to be a photographer. It was raining but that didn't affect anything half as much as I thought. We did the ceremony and then we went to go take some pictures of the bride and groom. The location was absolutely stunning even after it had been raining most of the day. The clouds were diffusing the light from above the tops of the trees and it was perfect. The bride and groom got in contact with me through a former teacher of mine. After I had this wedding, there was yet another domino affect with my business. I posted a few pictures on my instagram, and then I booked wedding after wedding. Though this wedding was a smaller one, it was one of the biggest ones for me. It is what led me to start loving what I do at weddings. I don't just want to be your photographer. I want to be part of the reason you had fun at your wedding. I want to be the one who can capture that moment you look back on and smile every time you see it.

I say y'all and drink sweet tea...

Being born and raised around Nashville and all, there are certain things you acquire being in this demographic. Me? I say y'all and drink sweet tea. This might sound a little dumb but I think this is a good way to explain it: We going somewhere to take pictures? "Where do y'all want to meet?" We getting a little hungry after an amazing session? "Where y'all want to eat?" We're sitting down and our server comes and asks us what we want to drink, "Is y'all's sweet tea any good?" It's just how I talk. I might put more syllables into a word than there's supposed to be but y'all are going to be just fine.

I cook...a lot...

I love cooking. I have been cooking ever since I was in middle school and I think I get better every time I do it. One thing I thing I know I have a good handle on is peach cobbler. Peach cobbler is a southern delicacy and if you can't make it, what are you doing? I like the pie version of it but I prefer the one with the almost cake like consistency but that's enough about that. I love to try new recipes and change them to my liking. My meal of choice is anything that has to do with a good ole ribeye. My favorite restaurant is in East Nashville and it is the Pharmacy Burger; that good ole farmhouse burger is a force to be reckoned with.

more facts about me...

1.What kind of music do I listen to?

I am an R&B kind of person. That's just what I listen to most of the time though; I'll listen to anything if it's good music.

2.What are my go to shows on Netflix?

I absolutely love the CW shows: the Flash, Supergirl, Gotham, and Black Lightning specifically. Riverdale and Criminal Minds are some of my favorites too.

3.What are other hobbies of mine?

Well I have a lot of plants. I mean a lot.

4.What high school did I graduate from?

I graduated from Beech Sr. High School in Hendersonville, TN in 2018. Go Bucs!!

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